Apr 10, 2011

Spring Hiking in Escalante

The Red Rock Ranch Escalante just had a group from St. Louis this week stay with us. Even though they had very little rappelling or canyonering experience, they were game to try some more technical climbing. So we hooked them up with Amie and Rick at Excursions of Escalante (www.excursionsofescalante.com).
Rick and Amie took them to some very remote slot canyons, and taught them all of the basics necessary to safely repel and enter these once in a lifetime locations.
They loved working with the team at Excursions of Esclalante, and thought that both Rick and Amie helped make their trip to Escalante one of the best vacations that they have ever taken.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome video! That looks like a ton of fun!

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